

奥地利(Austria )海牙认证

奥地利(Austria )海牙认证

奥地利在1968年加入了《废除外国公共文件认证要求的海牙公约》(通常简称为海牙公约或Apostille Convention)。这使得与其他海牙公约成员国之间的公文认证过程大大简化。只需要在奥地利进行一次官方的“海牙认证”或“加注”(Apostille),该文件便可以在所有海牙公约成员国内得到承认。

奥地利(Austria )海牙认证常见文件:


奥地利(Austria )海牙认证主要贸易伙伴:


奥地利(Austria )中国移民:



Designated Competent Authority(ies):

1. The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs with regard to all documents issued by:

  • a) the Federal President or the Office of the Federal President,
  • b) the President of the National Council, the President of the Federal Council or the Parliamentary Administrative Office,
  • c) the federal government,
  • d) a federal ministry,
  • e) the Constitutional Court or the Administrative Court,
  • f) the Supreme Court, the Supreme Cartel Court at the Supreme Court, the Supreme Restoration Commission at the Supreme Court, the Supreme Restitution Commission at the Supreme Court or
  • g) the Court of Audit.

As from 1 April 2017, the power of the Austrian Embassies and Consulates (except for Honorary-General-Consulates) to issue documents from public registers has been extended. These documents are retrieved or transmitted in electronic form from the Austrian civil registry containing civil documents and citizenship documents, as well as the criminal records register.

The following documents can be issued by Austrian Embassies and Consulates (except for Honorary-General-Consulates) and provided with an Apostille:

  • Civil status documents and register extracts
  • Certificates of no impediment
  • Certificates of the ability to establish a registered partnership
  • Proof of citizenship
  • Certificates of exit from the State
  • Criminal records

The Apostille on the above-mentioned documents will be affixed in label form on the document itself or on an inseparably connected second page.

2. The presidents of civil courts of first instance, or their designated representatives for the issue of certificates (apostilles), with the exception of the Commercial Court in Vienna and the Juvenile Court in Vienna, with regard to all documents issued in the region served by the court in question by:

  • a) a court other than those referred to in point 1 (e) and (f),
  • b) a public prosecutor’s office,
  • c) a notary,
  • d) a chamber of notaries or a bar association, in so far as the chamber or association in question did so in the execution of official federal duties.

3. With regard to all other documents,

  • a) provincial governors, for documents issued in their province in the execution of official federal duties,
  • b) provincial governments, for documents issued in their province in the execution of official federal duties.

Contact details:

Address: Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
Minoritenplatz 8
A – 1010 Wien
Telephone: +43 50 11 50-0
Fax: +43 50 11 59-0
General website (see also “Practical Information”) :
Languages of communication: German, English


Complete list and contact details of the Regional Courts (Landesgerichte) and Land Governments (Landesregierungen)

Practical Information:

Price: The fees at the regional courts (judicial and notarial documents): € 14,40.
Fees at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs: € 17,50.
Fees at Austrian Embassies and Consulates General: € 40,00.
Useful Links: Vorgangsweise zur Einholung einer Beglaubigung für ausländische Urkunden: Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (in German only): (in German only)

Federal Act of 31 May 1967 on the issuance of the Apostille according to the Hague Convention (Federal Law Gazette Nr. 28/1968)


This page was last updated on: 04 February 2020