纳米比亚(Namibia)在2001年加入了《废除外国公共文件合法化的要求》的《海牙公约》。因此,与与公约另一个会员国的法律沟通无需外交认证或合法化纳米比亚的文件。这些文件仅需要由发行州的当局盖上“ Apostille”,以便在目的地状态下有效。
- 出生证明
- 结婚证明
- 学位证明
- 商业文件:例如,公司章程,年度报告,税收文件等。
- 法律文件:例如,遗嘱,授权书等。
- 法院判决
- 商标或专利证书
- 中国:在多个领域中与纳米比亚保持着紧密的经济关系,包括矿产资源开采、建筑、渔业等。
- 南非:由于地理上的临近,南非是纳米比亚的重要贸易伙伴和最大的进口来源国。
- 欧盟国家:欧盟通常是纳米比亚的重要出口市场,特别是对于其矿产产品和农产品。
- 美国:美国也是纳米比亚重要的贸易伙伴之一。
Designated Competent Authorities:
Registrar of the High Court of Namibia
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Namibia
Ministry of Justice (The Executive Director)
Classes of Public Documents assigned to different Competent Authorities:
1. Registrar of the High Court
- a. Notarial Acts
- b. Lower Court Process
- c. High Court Process
- d. Labour Court Process
- e. Supreme Court Process
- f. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Ministry of Justice
- g. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Office of the Judiciary
2. Registrar of the Supreme Court
- a. Notarial Acts
- b. Lower Court Process
- c. High Court Process
- d. Labour Court Process
- e. Supreme Court Process
- f. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Ministry of Justice
- g. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Office of the Judiciary
3. Ministry of Justice (The Executive Director)
- a. All Classes of Public Documents, without any exclusions
Contact details:
Address: | Registrar of the High and Supreme Court of Namibia High Court Building Luderitz Street Private Bag 13179 WINDHOEK Namibia |
Telephone: | +264 (61) 435 3006 |
Fax: | +264 (61) 435 3106 |
E-mail: | cr@jud.gov.na |
Contact person: | Mrs Elsie Schickerling |
Language(s) of communication: | English |
Address: | Ministry of Justice Justitia Building Independence avenue 3rd floor Private Bag 13302 WINDHOEK Namibia |
Telephone: | +264 (61) 280 5335 |
Fax: | – |
Contact person: | Mr. I.V.K. Ndjoze fransisca.vanwyk@moj.gov.na |
Language(s) of communication: | English |
For any general information concerning the issuance of the certificates (apostilles), contact:
Practical Information:
Price: | N$50.00 |
Useful Links: | http://www.moj.gov.na
http://www.ejustice.moj.na |
This page was last updated on: 08 October 2019