

波兰(Poland )海牙认证

波兰(Poland )海牙认证

波兰(Poland )在《海牙公约》上参加了2005年废除对外国公共文件合法化的要求。因此,与其他会议国的成功法律沟通无需外交身份验证或领事合法化波兰的公共文件。通过Apostille证书证明,发行州的当局在其上有“ Apostille”盖章,以便在目的地状态下有效。波兰北濒波罗的海,西邻德国,南接捷克、斯洛伐克,东临俄 罗斯、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、乌克兰,地理位置优越,是连接东、西 欧的交通要地。 国土面积31.27万平方公里,人口逾3817万人,硬 煤和铜矿资源丰富。 波兰实行议会民主制,总统为国家元首。



  • 找对地方:波兰有些特定的政府机关负责给文件盖这个海牙认证的印章。
  • 准备文件:您得确保您的文件是官方的,比如出生证明、结婚证这种。文件得是波兰这边的有权机构发的。


  • 先在中国办理:您需要先在中国外事办公室给文件办理附加证明书的认证。
  • 翻译:如果文件是中文的,可能还得翻译成波兰语。
  • 最后在波兰相关机构使用。



  • 民事状况证书(出生,死亡,婚姻和离婚证书)
  • 教育文件(学校报告,证书,文凭)
  • 贸易注册摘录
  • 法院裁决
  • 证明文件的副本
  • 公证认证的翻译
  • 进一步的公证文件(授权,最后遗嘱,声明)
  • 由州注册机构合法化的商业文件(公司章程,注册证书,税收注册等)


Designated Competent Authority(ies):

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Legalisation Section

Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Department of Art and Culture Education
The following documents are subject to its competence:
– certificates, diplomas, indexes or authentications issued by art schools
– documents issued by schools, other than mentioned above, intended for legal transactions with foreign countries.

National Agency for Academic Exchange

The following documents are subject to its competence:

  • 1) diplomas of graduation with supplements,
  • 2) copies of diplomas of graduation,
  • 3) certificates of diplomas and post-graduate certificates,
  • 4) duplicates of diplomas and post-graduate certificates,
  • 5) certificates of graduation,
  • 6) doctoral and postdoctoral diplomas, as well as their duplicates and copies – in the case of doctoral and post-doctoral degrees awarded by the authorized organizational units of the university.

Ministry of National Education

The following documents are subject to its competence:

-certificates issued by schools and vocational schools in Poland, mentioned in Article 8 para. 2 letter c of the Educational Law (Consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2018 position no. 996) and by schools, vocational schools and school consultation points at the diplomatic representations, consular offices and military representations of the Republic of Poland.

School superintendents appropriate for the seat of the school

The following documents are subject to its competence:

  • -promotion certificates and certificates of graduation as well as indexes issued by schools;
  • -documents issued by schools, continuing education facilities and practical educational facilities, other than mentioned above, intended for legal transactions with foreign countries.

Directors of regional exam commissions:

The following documents are subject to its competence:
-certificates of completion of primary and secondary education at the level of external exams, certificates of secondary education, annexes to the secondary education certificates, certificates confirming professional qualifications, diplomas and certificates issued by regional exam commissions.

Contact details:

Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legalisation Section
ul. Krucza 38/42
00-512 Warszawa
Telephone: +48 (22) 250 0116; (22) 523 9128
Fax: +48 (22) 523 8872
General website:
Contact person: Ms. Aleksandra Bąk-Ślugaj
Language spoken: English


Address: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
(Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego)
The Department of Art and Culture Education
ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36/40,
00-328 Warszawa
Correspondence address:
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17
00-071 Warszawa
Telephone: + 48 22 551 55 99
General website:
Contact Person: Daniel Rewers


Address: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
ul. Polna 40
00-635 Warszawa
Telephone: +48 22 390 35 80
General website:
Contact persons: Ms Agnieszka Świtała
Language spoken: English


Address: Ministry of National Education
Al. Szucha 25
00-918 Warszawa
Telephone: + 48 22 347 41 00
Fax: + 48 22 347 42 61
General website:
Contact persons:
Language spoken:

Practical Information:

Price: 60 PLN
Issuing Apostilles: As of 18 May 2015, Poland is introducing a new stationery with enhanced security features for the purpose of issuing Apostilles. These security features include: guilloche pattern over the entire surface of a paper, micro lettering, national emblem visible both as a hologram and under UV light. The new stationery will be placed on public documents by self-adhesive sticker.
The Polish Competent Authorities shall use the new and previous types of stationery in parallel until the end of the stock of the previous one.
Useful Links:


This page was last updated on: 22 August 2022