



塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)在2015年2月20日加入了《废除外国公共文件合法化的要求》。因此,与公约其他成员国成功法律沟通无需外交认证或触发合法化文件。这些文件仅需要由Apostille证书证明,并在其上有“ Apostille”盖章,以便在其目的地状态下有效。但是,比利时,奥地利和德国提出了对塔吉克斯坦加入该公约的反对意见。为了在这些国家使用,必须完全合法化公共文件,将不接受Apostille。



  • 获得官方文件:首先确保你拥有的出生证明是由相应州的官方机构颁发的正式副本。
  • 海牙认证(Apostille):携带你的出生证明到发证州的州务卿办公室。在那里,你可以申请海牙认证。州务卿办公室将验证文件上的签名和印章,并在文件上加盖特殊的“Apostille”印章。




  • 出生证明:证明个人出生日期和地点。
  • 婚姻证明:如结婚证书,证明婚姻关系。
  • 死亡证明:证明个人死亡的官方文件。
  • 离婚证书:证明婚姻关系已经解除。
  • 个人身份证明文件:如护照复印件、身份证等。
  • 无犯罪记录证明:证明个人没有犯罪记录。
  • 领养文件。


  • 学位证书、成绩单等教育资格文件。
  • 学校或大学出具的成绩单、文凭。
  • 教育机构的认证文件。


  • 公司注册证明、营业执照。
  • 公司章程和会议记录。
  • 财务报告、审计报告。
  • 合同和协议。


  • 法院文件、判决书、诉讼记录。
  • 公证书、授权书、遗嘱等。
  • 法律声明和证明书。


  • 医疗报告、健康证明。
  • 医疗记录和诊断书。


  • 政府出具的许可证、批准书。
  • 其他官方文件,如土地登记文件、行政裁决等。



Designated Competent Authority(ies):

Depending on the type of a document the right to issue an Apostille in the Republic of Tajikistan is vested upon two government bodies:

  • 1) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • 2) Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan

Contact details:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan:

Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of the Tajikistan
Main Consular Department
Pushkin street, building 34
734001 Dushanbe
Telephone: +992 37 227-56 56
+992 37 221-83 83
Fax: +992 372 21-02 59
General website:,
Contact person: Mr. Aslamzoda Murodbek
Language(s) of communication: Russian, English

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs apostilles the following types of official documents:

– Documents about education:
Certificate of general and secondary education, diploma of vocational and higher professional education, candidate of sciences diploma, diploma of doctor of science, academic record, personal student card, certificate of transfer from one institution to another, etc.

– Other documents:
Certificate of clean criminal record, certificate of state registration of legal entities, a patent or a certificate for the right of individual entrepreneurship, archive certificates and copies of archive documents issued by archives and etc.

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan:

 Address: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan
Rudaki 25 Avenue
734025 Dushanbe
Telephone: +992 37 221-00 90
+992 37 221-59 57
Fax: +992 372 21-80 66
General website:
Contact person: Ms. Farangis ALIZODA
Language(s) of communication: Russian

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan apostilles the following types of official documents:

– Documents from Civil Registry authorities:
Birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, certificate of adoption, certificate of change of name, middle name and last name, paternity certificate, certificate of absence of a registered marriage and other certificates;

– Documents issued by notaries:
Certificate of inheritance, certificate of ownership of share in the joint property of the spouses, written consent of parents, spouse consent to transaction requiring notarization, a certificate certifying that a person is alive, notarized copies of documents and extracts from them, notarized translations of documents and etc.;

– Documents of judicial and enforcement proceedings authorities:
A writ of execution with the mark on the execution of the sentence, the court acts (the court’s decision, the court sentences in a criminal case, the court order, the court ruling, a court order), the writs of execution issued on the basis of judicial decisions, writs of execution issued by the court based on the judgments and decisions of arbitration courts in the Republic of Tajikistan and etc.;

– Documents of public prosecution bodies:
Prosecutor’s resolution, instructions of the prosecutor, the prosecutor’s request, prosecutor’s submission, arrest warrant and etc.

Practical Information:

Price: In accordance to the law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On obligatory duty to beget” of the tax for apostille determiner the 75% of indicators for calculations (34.38 Somoni) for individuals documents and 125% of indicators for calculation (68.75 Somoni) for legal entity. Also, in accordance to the Government degree #546 dated on 07/11/2007 (with amendments on 31/07/2019) consular fee for apostille indications following: 5 US Dollar per document for individuals and 10 US Dollar for legal entity.

In common the fee for apostillization are following:

For individual:

  • 5$+34.38 Somoni per document (5 working days)
  • 10$+34.38 Somoni per document (Express – 3 days)

For legal entity:

  • 10$+68.75 Somoni per document (5 working days)
  • 20$+68.75 Somoni per document (Express – 3 days)
Useful Links:


This page was last updated on: 17 December 2019