

Kentucky 出生证明 Birth Certificate 认证-DC

(birth certificates, death certificates, etc.) – must be signed by the current state registrar,  and submitted to the Office of the Secretary, No need to submit to County prior to the submission of the Secretary of state.
If the documents are not signed by the registrar, contact the Kentucky Department of Vital Statistics at 502-564-4212.



Check List
• Original Birth Certificate
• Prepaid Envelope
• Check—$5 per document fee, All checks should be made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer
• Cover Letter-
• Mailing Address

Documents may be submitted by:

First Class Mail: Office of the Secretary of State
Authentications and Apostilles
P.O. Box 718
Frankfort, KY 40602-0718

Overnight or Hand Delivery: Office of the Secretary of State
State Capitol
700 Capital Ave., Ste. 158
Frankfort, KY 40601


• 肯塔基州人口统计部门的文件(出生证明、死亡证明等) – 必须由现任州级注册官员(Paul F. Royce)签署,并连同填写完成的请求公证或认证表格和每份文件5美元的费用一起提交给州务卿办公室。如果文件没有注册官员的签署,请联系肯塔基州人口统计部门,电话号码为502-564-4212。

• 由公证人签署的文件(收养文件、成绩单/学位证书、授权书等) – 必须由在肯塔基州注册的公证人签署;公证人的签名必须经过其宣誓就职所在县的县书记官认证,并将文件连同请求公证或认证表格和每份文件5美元的费用提交给州务卿办公室。如果县书记官不可用,请向县书记官办公室确认副书记官是否有权限签署出境文件。

• 由巡回法院书记或巡回法官签署的文件(例如离婚判决书) – 必须由法官和/或巡回法院书记签署,由该巡回法院所在县的县书记官认证,并将文件连同填写完成的请求公证或认证表格和每份文件5美元的费用提交给州务卿办公室。如果县书记官不可用,请向县书记官办公室确认副书记官是否有权限签署出境文件。